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A collection of eBooks on the subject of history, including british history, irish history, european history, african-american history, native american history, chicano history, American Southern history, American civial war and reconstruction, the gilded age/progressive era, the age of Jackson, the 1960s, colonial America, the american revolution, the age of Jefferson, African history, Asian history, world/international history, medieval history (400-1500), early modern history (1500-1750), modern history (1750-1945), contemporary history (1945-), women's and gender history, military and naval history, history of medicine, the Cold War, history of science and technology, urban history, imperial and colonial history, intellectual history, religious history, history reference, social and cultural history, diplomatic history, economic history, political history, labor history, LGBT history, legal history, Latin American history, environmental history, and history: theory, method and historiography.